An image of Jesus Christ

Walk With Christ

We invite you to come take a walk through the life of Jesus Christ this Easter

Dates and Times

  • April 15th thru 18th from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM
  • April 19th from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM (Spanish)
  • April 19th from 4:30 PM to 7:00 PM (English)

A new Walk with Christ experience begins every 5 minutes with the group size averaging around 20 to 25 individuals.

Often the wait times may be long as many people attend Walk With Christ.
Arriving early or coming an hour before closing is encouraged as this may help to reduce your wait time.



930 East Alameda Pocatello, Idaho
Across from Tendoy Elementary School; though we recommend entering from Deon Dr.
a map showing the location of Walk With Christ in Pocatello, Idaho
Imagery ©2024 Airbus, Maxar Technologies, Map data ©2024

The Eight Rooms

The Nativity Top | Rooms

A set depicting the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
Experience the wonder of the birth of our Lord and Savior.

The Ministry Top | Rooms

A set representing the streets of ancient Jerusalem.
Visit ancient Jerusalem, where Jesus Christ walked and taught the people. And listen to some of those who heard him teach.

The Last Supper Top | Rooms

A set depicting the upper room where Jesus ate with his apostles.
View the somber and intimate space where the Last Supper took place. Hear the testimony of one of the apostles.

The Garden Top | Rooms

A set representing the garden of Gethsemane.
The garden where Jesus prayed on the night he was betrayed

The Judgment Top | Rooms

A set depicting Pilate's court where Jesus was tried.
Listen to Pontius Pilate as he presides over the trial of Jesus.

The Crucifixion Top | Rooms

A set representing the crucifixion of Jesus.
Watch a short video depiction of the Crucifixion.

The Empty Tomb Top | Rooms

A set depicting the tomb where Jesus was laid.
Hear Mary describe her experience at Christ's tomb

The Ascension Top | Rooms

A set representing the Mount of Olives where Jesus ascended into heaven.